Highway 417 Bronson Avenue Interchange Operational Improvements
The Ministry of Transportation (MTO) has retained WSP to complete the detail design for operational improvements to the Highway 417 Bronson Avenue Interchange (WP 4089-07-01). The project involves the following components:
- Modifications to the eastbound off-ramp at Bronson Avenue to lengthen the ramp and provide additional vehicle storage, including widening the Booth Street Highway 417 overpass structure;
- Local realignment of Chamberlain Avenue to the north, to be opposite the eastbound off-ramp;
- Modifications to the eastbound off-ramp where it intersects with Bronson Avenue;
- Construction of related works including: retaining walls, roadside protection, noise barriers, drainage works, utility relocations, illumination and traffic signal modifications;
- Continuous intermediate-term lane reductions (two to three months) on Highway 417 eastbound;
- Short-term lane reductions (one to four weeks) on Bronson Avenue and Chamberlain Avenue to tie in the new construction; and
- Nightly closure of the Highway 417 eastbound off-ramp.
This project is following the approved environmental planning process for Group “B” undertakings under the Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) for Provincial Transportation Facilities (2000), with the opportunity for public input throughout the study.
This website will be updated regularly, providing project updates, updated project schedules, information on upcoming events such as the Public Information Centre, as well as project documentation as it becomes available.
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